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Abandonment to God's Will I Road to Holiness Series - If discernment is road map to holiness, abandonment is the starting motor.  739
Abandonment to God's Will II Concept of abandonment to the will of God;  heroes of the faith: Jesus, Samuel, Abraham, Mary and apostles.  740
Abandonment to God's Will III Having courage to surrender ourselves to the will of God so we can complete the mission of Jesus Christ.  741
Abiding in Jesus II. Teaching based on John, Ch 15 - we are the branches as Jesus is the vine. We need to stay connected with God. 606
Advent at Home I Msgr. Tucek and CCGD members share family Advent devotions, Weisman's, Meier's, Dacuses', Jones'.  361
Advent at Home II Advent  is the time to train the children about importance of repentance and for the whole family to prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ.  362
Aid To The Church in Need I How Aid to the Church in Need started and what is its mission to poor and oppressed in Eastern Europe and in the third world such as Philippines.  753
Aid to the Church in Need II Missionary work of Aid to the Church in Need in Africa, Asia, Europe. The First visit of Fr. Werenfried in Russia.  754
Aid to the Russian Church Rebuilding the church in Russia, great need to rebuild faith and the church buildings. Archbishop Kondrusiewicz.  529
Alexander Dvorkin Young man from Moscow shares about his life experience and faith journey.  545
Alicja, Staszek and Olga Young Polish witnesses of faith during Communist oppression and their evangelization in Russia. Bobbie's prayer.  743
Baptism Importance of Baptism in our life.  558
Belonging to Christ By baptism we are reborn to Christ, we belong to Him. 542
Bishop Cordes Homily Homily - Gratefulness for the movements in the church, especially Charismatic renewal. Gift of TV ministry.  610
Bishop Dabrowski Most  Rev. Jerzy Dabrowski, Polish bishop shares about his mission in evangelizing Russia and Siberia. 434
Bishop D'Souza I. Bishop Valerian D'Souza at the vatican preaching "not to take ourselves so seriously". 330
Bishop D'Souza II. Bishop Valerian D'Souza continues preaching at the Vatican about the role of Mary in our lives. 331
Bishop Ganaka Sharing about faith life in Nigeria and other countries of Africa. 575
Brokenness to Wholeness Bishop Valerian D'Souza continues with "Coming from Brokenness to Wholeness through Jesus Christ". 345
Call to Discipleship II The Lord is calling us to be His followers in today's world.  405
Calling Youth to God Formation of Youth. Frnciscan University of Steubenville, Fr. Michael Scanlan, T.O.R., President. Youth Program in CCGD.  551
Cardinal Suenens' Homily A new Pentecost in our lives helps us to experience the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us.  333
Cavnar Anniversary Special 50th wedding anniversary of Bob and Margaret Cavnar, June 26, 1994, recount of their life together.  650
Cavnar Witness Bobbie Cavnar starts a new serie about family relationship. The first show of this series will be his own witness.  389
CCGD Ministries II Members of the CCGD continue sharing on how God formed their community through their obedience to him.  329
Changes Jim Cavnar tells the story abpit how his parents made radical decisions to raise their six children as Christians.  320
Changes in Prayer Through contemplative prayer, the "prayer of the heart", we get into an intimate relationship with God. 427
Children's Christmas Students from the CCGD school work hard to prepare a play about the birth of Jesus.  416
Christ the Light We have to turn to Jesus if we want to receive Light, we make decision if we want to be children of light or darkness. 516
Christian Marriage Marriage is more than just walking out the isle.  It is a tool desing by God to make us holy, to draw us closer to Hinself through our spouse.  341
Christmas Celebration The CCGD community gets together to celebrate Christmas in a very special way.  365
Christmas Crèche Franciscan priests and sisters tell the story of the Live Nativity Scene, which started with St. Francis of Assisi.  413
Christmas Program Bobbie Cavnar sharing Christmas story with his grandchildren.  571
Christmas Traditions Sharing about Christmas in different places: Fr. Peter Abue, Nigeria; Monika Gorska, Poland; Jose M. Lopez, Dominican Republic; Fr. Kim Soo, Korea.  468
Christmas Traditions Sharing about Christmas traditions: Fr. Kazimiras, Lithuenia; Eleisa, St. Kitts; Tito, St. Croix; Fadi, Lebanon; Patrick, Zimbabwe; Sr. Dolorosa, Tanzania; Fr. Cepeda, Mexico.  623
College Survival I New philosophies might be dragging students away from their faith.  How do they test what parents taught them?  336
College Survival II We continue sharing how students test their faith through College and after College.  337
Community 20 Anniversary Christian Community of God's Delight celebrating 20th Anniversary. Sharings during the meeting of CCGD.  590
Community 20 Anniversary Mass II. Liturgy for celebration of 20. Anniversary of CCGD in Dallas, Texas.  591
Dealing with the Loss of Spouse CCGD Members Vilfordi, Fuentes, Harwerth, Dillier, Dundas share about the death of loved one.  343
Death - a Joyful Experience We believe in the Resurrection of the Dead but, how do we behave after the death of a dear one?  347
Death and Everlasting Life Understanding the transition to Eternal Life, death as birth to Eternal Life. Explanation from Catholic Byzantine Rite priest and Russin Ortodox priest.  535
Discerning the Will of God III Discernment: listening carefully to Christ, recognizing His voice - read Bible, pray. John Paul II. - present  great leader.  738
Discipleship I. Bishop Valerian D'Souza talks about our call to follow Jesus as his disciple. 348
Divine Mercy I Sacrament of reconciliation. We need to face sins in our life. Jesus has come to call sinners. Mt. 2:17. Story of Jacob Aziaka, Ghana, Lumen 2000 segment.  765
Divine Mercy II Confession as a sacrament of mercy and healing. Story of Vladik, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Lumen 2000 segment.  766
Divine Mercy III How to make good confession.  Story of Mrs. Carmen, a woman from Dominican Republic, Lumen 2000 segment.  767
Divine Mercy IV Definition of a sin, Act of contrition. Recognizing our sinfulness and expressing hope to live better life. Meet a Korean family experiencing Divine Mercy, Lumen 2000 segment.  768
Divine Mercy V Sins of commission in our lives. A story of  a woman in France being exposed to prostitution and drugs, Lumen 2000 segment.  769
Divine Mercy VI Sins of omission. Story of Dr. Juan, a doctor in Peru serving the poor and needy in Lima, Lumen 2000 segment.  770
Divine Mercy VII Gratefulness to Jesus. An Act of Sorrow prayer. Song "In This Very Room" by Martha Reyes. Lumen 2000 segment recorded in Holy Land.  771
Dorsey Family Whitness When marriage relationship is not  working there is not much room for happiness and neither to pass faith to the children.  390
Droga The Road II. Journey of Russian Youth at World Youth Day in Czestochowa, Poland, 1991. 580
Dying Himself Second part of 3 part series: Jesus our healer, our Divine doctor whose prescription is to die to yourself. 614
Dynamic Catholism Talk of Fr. Tom Forrest during Worldwide Priests Retreat in Rome. Dynamic means to be joyful, creative, mighty strong in work for salvation of all. 503
Easter Through baptism we are a new creation.  The CCGD community celebrates the Easter Liturgy.  326
Easter Hope Personal sharings of hope: Community at St. Croix, Angie's story, Siamese twins's story, Xavier's story.  692
Echo Spirituality Let your life to be not a reaction, don't be good to people only because they are good to you.  Let's all be instruments of God's peace.  360
Encouragement for Lent Penance is an anticipation, a preparation for the Paschal Mystery.  Fr. Tom Forrest  teaches aboout the meaning of Lent. 425
Eva and Itumeleng Power of God, personal pentecost in life of  Itumeleng from Lesotho and Eva from South Africa. Power of healing. 597
Evangelization 2000 Throughout centuries the church has called its people to evangelized.  What are we doing to accomplish this task?  423
Evangelization I We have a need for a close relationship with Jesus, we must know Jesus.  Fr. Tom Forrest talks about it in a three part series.  378
Evangelization II Part II with Fr. Tom Forrest about knowing Jesus.  379
Evangelization III Part III with Fr. Tom Forrest about knowing Jesus.  380
Evangelization in Asia During the National Conference of the Charismatic Renewal in Notre Dame '88 Fr. Gino Henriques talks about the New Evangelization in Asia.  367
Evangelization in Brazil In 1980 Fr. Ed Dougherty funded the Association of the Lord Jesus to develop a television studio to spread the Good News in Brazil and Fr. Tom Forrest talks about  becoming evangelizers.  369
Everyday Evangelism II Gift of hospitality: Story of Siamese twins from Lithuania. Embrasing immigrants with welcoming heart - St. Augustine's church in Dallas, TX  524
Faith and Family I Parents responsibility is to teach children in the ways of God. Sharing of Weisbruch and  Adelmann's families about the value of family.  449
Faith and Family II The ability from parents to pass the faith in Jesus to their children so later they can make the right choice.  351
Faith in Poland Our Lady of Czestochowa, Celebration of Gratitude for Harvest; Panna Maria, TX - 1st Polish settlement; Story of Tadeusz.  519
Faith in the Workplace How to live a faith in workplace - story of a medical doctor and a lawyer.  584
Family Influences I How to counteract negative influences of secular environment in today's Christian world - Harmon's, Morin's and Kiefer's family.  773
Family Influences II Challenges for older children in family - occult, New Age, drugs and looking at solutions - Harmon's, Morin's and Kiefer's family.  774
Family Liturgies I Advent and Christmas families liturgy celebrations.  411
Family Liturgies II Sharing about  Advent  celebrations by CCGD families.  412
Father Chrapek Church in Russia and Eastern Europe free from communist regime. Strength of faith and Christian spirit. 433
Father Tom Forrest Getting ready for liturgical season - Lent and how to prepare ourselves spiritually.  531
Fatima I July 13, 1992 -  75 years from Mary's apparition in Fatima. Joined telecast between Fatima and Russia.  548
Fatima II Big spiritual celebration of Fatima's apparition. Telecast between Fatima and Russia. Document about Fatima. Fr. Werenfried Van Straaten.  549
Finding Jesus Bishop Valerian D'Souza talks about having a personal relationship with Jesus. 344
Fishers of Men Bishop Ganaka talking during Worldwide Priests Retreat in Rome challenging all priests to be fishers of men. 505
Forgiveness Sharing about forgiveness by Catholic Byzantine Rite priest and Russian Ortodox priest from England. 532
Formation of Young Men The Boys Scout training helps to form responsible young men that are obedient to what the Lord wants to be done.  407
Forming Community Members of the CCGD community share on how the LORD formed their community based on their obedience.  327
Forms Of Prayer Unless we take the time to communicate with the Lord, all is for naught. 429
Fr. Ange's Testimony Founder of Jeunesse et Lumiere, his personal witnes. 563
Fr. Cantalamassa Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, the Pope's preacher, speaking at the 1990 Worldwide Retreat for Priests.  325
Fr. Tomislav The humble prayer request from a priest unveiled the miracles in Medjugorje.  353
Garbage Dumps We visit four different garbage dumps in the world: El Paso and Juarez, Mexico; Cairo, Egypt;; "Smokey Mountains, Philippines;  Guatemala.  577
Gift of the Eucharist Eucharist - great gift from Jesus, priceless treasure which we must always value. It is summit of Christian living.  444
Gifts for Evangelization I  What motivates us to bring Jesus to others, explaining gifts of Holy Spirit - faith, hope and love.  693
Gifts for Evangelization II Challenges to evangelize people of other religions and secular world. Canadian artist Michael O'Brien.  694
Gifts for Evangelization III Using gifts of Holy Spirit to evangelize. Story of monsignor Railey fighting against abortions in New York.  695
Gifts to Evangelize IV  Gift of Holy Spirit - Hope. Work of missionaries at South Pacific - story of a blind boy Simon at Papua New Guinea.  696
Gifts to Evangelize V Gift of Holy Spirit - Love. Urgency to evangelize by word and example. 697
Gifts to Evangelize VI Go and spread the Good News to the whole world! Story of a priest in Alaska spreading Good News.   700
Gifts to Evangelize VII Scripture call for urgency in sharing the Good News; Example of a woman in New Zealand.  701
Gina and Ivan Evangelization outreach in Johannesburg, South Africa - Gina and Ivan. 492
God is Love The Gospel speaks about Good News.  What is this Good News? Bishop D'Souza will help with the answer. 391
God is Source of Light God is light; there is no darkness in him at all. 1 John 1:5 513
God's Remedy Jesus took all our sins on his shoulders. 528
Holiday Hospitality Sharing about St. Nicolas traditions in Netherlands, Europe. Van Scoy family's openess and generosity to foster children.  621
Holy Spirit Novena 1994 Power of prayer - Dominican sisters in East Texas; story of Dorothy McDonald; singer John Michael Talbot; prayer of Novena to the Holy Spirit.  698
Hope: The Gift of Optimist III Road to Holiness - Practical ways to experience Hope in our daily lives with the help of Holy Spirit. Initiative of Esperanza Unida in Milwaukee.  751
Hope: The Gift of Optimist IV Road to Holiness - to put our hope in Jesus Christ. John Paul II. as Man of Hope. Hope for our mission and job in life.  752
Hope: The Gift of Optimists Road to Holiness - Hope is the road to happiness, joy and peace, cardinal virtues of Christianity. "Hope for Aids Patients", a story from Zambia.  749
Hope: The Gift of Optimists II Road to Holiness - The virtue of Hope as road to happiness, joy and peace. "A Place set apart" - Fr. John Bradburne and story of leprosy, story of hope in Zimbabwe.  750
How to Evangelize I  Learning about three greatest evangelizers from the Bible: John the Baptizer, the Apostle Paul and Jesus Himself.  683
How to Evangelize II How to evangelize - meet two women who are sharing their faith door-to-door in their community.  684
How to Evangelize III Speaking about Christ and living the Word we speak. We must be courageous.  685
How to Evangelize IV To evangelize means to proclaim the Good News courageously.  Examples of John the Baptist, Jesus and Paul.  686
How to Evangelize V Effective evangelizers depending on the Holy Spirit and spending time in prayer and preparation; New Guinea story.  687
How to Evangelize VI Joyfulness and optimistic approach of evengelizers; young woman evengelizing in Bronx.  688
Images of the Nativity Fr. Dubois, Orthodox priest, speaks about  Icons of Christmas. St. Francis of Assisi and the Crèche. 572
Interceding For Vocations We all have the responsibility to pray for the vocations to priesthood and the religious life in the Church. Discernment to religious life.  357
Intercession I Many of us get discouraged when we pray and "nothing is happening".  355
Intercession II Jesus said "When two or three gather in my name I am in the midst".  On doing so God will answer our prayer in His time.  356
Intercession of Saints Witnesses from some of the CCGD members about how the Lord answered their intercessory prayer.  388
International Advent Some of the Lumen students share their country traditions about  preparation of their children for the Christmas.  363
Is God Love? Bishop Valerian D'Souza continues with "The Love of God". 392
Jesus Fulfillment Fullfilment of God's will not ours. In order to do that we need to empty ourselves. 452
Jesus Gift of Priesthood Priesthood is a gift Jesus gave us, gift to his church. 546
John Michael Talbot John Michael Talbot, a Franciscan monk, tells us the story of his personal conversion.  352
John Paul II - 1. Man of Love First part of 3 series showing Saint John Paul II was a man of love, a man of work and a man of pain.  708
John Paul II - 2. Pilgrim Pope Second part highlighting the Pope's outreach to the youth during his many pastoral journeys. Youth from Dallas and CCGD during 8th WYD in Denver, Colorado in 1994.  709
John Paul II - 3. Dynamic Pope Last part looking at the Pope's evangelistic mission explaining new methods to share the Good News, the beginning of New Evangelization.  710
Jones' Family Witness The faithfulness, perseverance and conversion of a grandfather's bless the Jones Family generations.  394
Joseph and Jobo Personal pentecost of Joseph and Jobo from Lesotho, South Africa. 596
Joy While in the Air Force Bobbie Cavnar helps to rescue a man buried in ice after an airplane crash.  Years later he interviewed this man's wife.  377
Kenosis I Examples from Jesus' life to show us how to empty ourselves. 430
Kenosis II Examples from Jesus' life to show us how to empty ourselves. 431
Leicht Family Witness The beach helps to keep together the Leicht families.  397
Light and Darkness Jesus says: "I am the light of the world", John 8:12 and John 12:46. Scriptures about light and darkness since Genesis. 512
Liturgical Symbols Liturgical symbols in Ortodox church and Catholic Byzantine Rite church as real pointers to God. 562
Love Must Be Expressed Bishop Valerian D'Souza concludes his teaching on God's Love. 393
Lumen 2000 This organization is training young people from around the world in TV Christian ministry.  366
Lumen 2000 Report I. Lumen 2000 outreach - training many people from different countries. Conference in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in 1992. 555
Lumen 2000 Report II. Lumen 2000 through its programs evangelizing all over the world; its affiliates. Sharing of Igor Zyrianov from Siberia. 556
Marriage Enrichment I Improving Marriage relationship, sharings of married couples Lenzens and Morins.  460
Marriage Enrichment II Sharings of  married couples Lynch, Williams' and Chapmans about how to build successful marriage relationship.  461
Mary in Evangelism Philippine Cardinal Sin's talk during Worldwide Priests Retreat in Rome about his close relationship with our Heavenly Mother Mary. 540
Mary's Gift for Waiting Mary - model for us in waiting for the Lord. Role of Blessed mother in Africa, story of missionary Fr. Dick in Nairobi, Kenya.  748
Ministries of Covenant Communities Emmanuel community, France. Brian Smith, President of the Catholic Fraternity of  Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships.  609
Models for Community How Shepherding Community should work based on Mt 9, Mt 18.  494
Mother Mary Henry Mother Mary Henry shares about her life in monastery in Lufkin, Texas and Lockport, Louisiana.    593
Mrs. Molly Kelly Dynamic widow and mother of eight speaks at worldwide priest retreat on Chastity.  504
Mystical Poverty III Freedom from materialism; An example of a priest who is ministering to the homeless in New York. 655
Mystical Poverty IV Last part of 4 series - explaining how we can be free from wanting always more and more.  656
New Evangelization I Call for New Evangelization and great need to evangelize.  568
New Evangelization II Evangelization on human level - necessity in this civilization of death.  574
Novena Prayer Fr. Paul Hinnebusch shares with us about the very first Novena, the nine days between the Lord's ascension into heaven and the sending of the Holy Spirit.  382
Our Father 1 First part of series on prayer 'Our Father". Jesus teaches us an importance of a prayer. Story of Andrew from Papua New Guinea in South Pacific.  713
Our Father 2 Power of Lord's prayer.  714
Our Father 3 Focus on "Hallowed be Thy Name" in Lord's prayer. Story of a scientist and a Jesuit priest Timothy.  715
Our Father 4 Focus on "Thy Kingdom come". Story of a man, High chief  in Samoa Island.  716
Our Father 5 Focus on "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven". Story of Matthew, a cancer survivor in New Zealand.  717
Our Father 7 Focus on "Give us this day our daily bread" in Lord's prayer, covering our own needs. Story of Focolare movement in Kiribati.  719
Our Father 9 Focus on "Lead us not into temptation" in Lord's prayer. Story of Fr. Herman Bouwers, a Biker priest, an army chaplain.  721
Passing on the Faith Sharing of the families, how they are passing faith to their children: Fiegenschues and Keenans,  454
Paul's Pearl Pearl of great price is Christ, Philippians 3:7-21. Having him we have all we need. 508
Pentecost Prayer Prayer for all our needs with corresponding pictures from all around the world.  439
Personal Pentecost Personal story of Peter McLeod, a lawyer from New Zealand, A story of an alcoholic woman in South Africa, Caribbean man's story.  699
Pilgrimage of Hope History of the World Youth Days with Pope John Paul II. since 1984. Today's youth is hope of the world as John Paul II. believes.  602
Power of the Eucharist Holy Eucharist - bread of Eternal life, Jn 6. Deep meaning of Eucharist. Today there are many attacks on Eucharist.  445
Prayer of Faith Bishop Valerian D'Souza speaks about  faith, prayer and expending faith in prayer. 399
Praying the Rosary Fr. Hinnebusch explains an origin of a prayer of rosary; Marta McGlade shares about rosary devotion. Story from Phillippines.  541
Reconciliation  We are indoctrinated to rationalize that sin is not a sin and it is impacting upon our own children, upon our own lives.  Members of the CCGD community share on what is going on in their lifes during lent.  374
Redemption in Christ Jesus Christ pays the price for our sins by his death on cross. 538
Redemption through blood Redemption is the work of God himself done through Jesus as a free gift to us for forgiveness of our sins and we become God's possession.    539
Remain in the Light How to remain in the light of Christ. If we decide to live in the light, Christ will guide us, never abandon us. 518
Renewal in Africa  Thanks to the Renewal in Africa thousands of Catholics are now more dedicated and commited in their Christian lives. 358
Responding to God's Call I John Fleury from England evangelizing in Dominican Republic. Lawrence Collier and Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen in Forth Worth, TX  510
Responding to God's Call II Story of Tony Melendez, messenger of hope, evangelizing through the gift of music. Hopkins brothers Peter, Edward and John ordained as priests in the same day and their sister joined an order.  511
Resurrection "Ressurection" of church in post communist countries - rebuilding of freedom, democracy, churches. 587
Reverence God Our attitude towards others, towards the Lord has become informal. Bishop D'Souza teaches about it. 398
Set Free I During an international priest retreat Fr. Tom Forrest speaks on how to be free from sin.  323
Set Free II Fr. Tom Forrest  speaks to young people and encourage them to be free from sin.  324
Sharing Christ's Love Mother Teresa of Calcutta talking during Worldwide Priests Retreat in Rome.  465
Sharing of Gifts Sharing the richness, gifts in Catholic Byzantine and Orthodox Rites.   544
Signs and Wonders How to look at spiritual signs and wonders, proper attitude; Kingdom Kids, Producer: Patrick Mapuranga.  657
Sister Jean Story of Sister Jean and her ministry in Minnesota.  711
Steubenville Conference Founder Fr. Mike sharing about the beginning of Youth conferences in Steubenville. Mother Angelica's presentation.  442
Summer Trips for Youth Youth ministers Van Scoys' and  Monica Culling, Larry Lenzen, Mike Wagner sharing about their work with youth.  443
Temptations of Jesus Living in the will of God. How Jesus was tempted and how he guarded himself. Importance to remember what is in life important. 457
The Call of Jeremiah Jeremiah's response to God' calling - his refusal and later on acceptance of God's call, Jeremiah 1:5. Our response to God's call. 469
The Call of Matthew Call of Matthew - "leaving everything he got up and followed him", Lk 5.27-28. Richness of his writings. 471
The Christians of Urikami Christian faith was passed on through generations for over two hundred years with no contact with the outside world. 322
The Church in Russia Bishop Dabrowski, responsible for the reestablishment of the church in Russia, sharing about process of rebuilding churches.  466
The Evangelizer God doesn't see if we are successful but rather faithful.  That is how we fullfil the mission that Jesus gave - spread the Good News!  420
The Father's Will Jesus' devotion to the will of God the Father.  450
The Good News God loves us and we should not be afraid of the consequences of sin for Jesus came to free us from sin.  359
The Holy Spirit Our Support Jesus gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us to complete our mission here on Earth, Jn 14:16-17, Jn 14:26.  489
The Incarnation Jesus became man so we can have eternal life.    559
The Joy of Christ Joy promised by Jesus based on John 16:20, 22, 24; "Glad heart is an excellent medicine" Proverbs 17:22.  506
The Perfect Christian The Virgen Mary is the example of the perfect Christian.  354
The Spirit In our Lives Bishop Valerian D'Souza continues his teaching on the Holy Spirit. 387
The Spirit in the Church Teaching with Bishop Valerian D'Souza on the promises of the Holy Spirit being fulfilled in the early Church. 386
The two Churches Sharing about Catholic Byzantine and Orthodox Rite. 543
The Word of God Jesus is the Word of God and the Word of God is Jesus. Respect to Bible as we give to Incarnation of Jesus. 552
Tradition Sharing Christmas traditions by Lumen 2000 students: Fr. Martin, Kenya; Derick, Grenada; Jose, Costa Rica; Alena, Czecho-Slovakia.  570
Tradition I Sharing Christmas traditions by Lumen 2000 students: Fr. Philip, Ghana; Dalius, Lithuania; Mireille, Lebanon; Maire, Lebanon; Dickson, Kenya.  569
True Freedom II Road to Holiness series -  Bible stories documenting how God throughout the history set His people free. Prison Chaplains in Louisiana.  756
True Freedom III Road to Holiness series - What real freedom means and what in our life enslaves us.  Freedom from Alcoholism - Bishop Ganaka, Nigeria.  757
Unredeemed Humanity Sin, flesh, law and death, our human nature, Romans 7:14-25 and how saving power of Jesus can free us, Romans 3:23, 24 and and Romans 8:1-2. 527
Ursula Babsie Bleasdel Talk of Ursula Babsie Bleasdel from Trinidad and Tobago during Priest's Retreat in Rome, 1990 and her service. 616
Ursula Bleasdell Talk of Ursula Bleasdell from Trinidad and Tobago during Worldwide Priests Retreat in Rome. 499
Van Scoy Witness Gift of sharing with others as is written in Romans 12:9-13. Witness of generosity of Van Scoy family.  467
Viva Christo Rey I Fr. Richard Thomas, S.J.  working in El Paso, Texas at  Lord's Ranch, Our Lady's Youth center and other ministries. 491
Waiting upon the Lord II Road to Holiness - Waiting for God to act, God Himself has us positioned exactly where He wants us to be.  746
Waiting upon the Lord III Road to Holiness - We must wait actively, as Jesus did. Story of an Argentinian women evangelizing in prison.  747
Weisbruch Family Witness Four generations of Weisbruch family share God's power in their lives and their personal Pentecost.  649
Witness I Miracles happen when we pray.  God answers our community prayers as written on James 5:14-15.  334
Witness II More stories of God's work among His people.  335
Worldwide Priests Retreat Priest from all over the world meet in Rome for a Worldwide Priests Retreat.  424
Wurmbrand Interview I. Pastor Richard Wurmbrand experienced how the Eastern church was persecuted by the Communist regime. 417
Wurmbrand Interview II. Pastor Richard Wurmbrand spent 14 years in prison tortured for his faith by the Communist regime. 418
Youth Conference The CCGD Youth Ministtry goes to Steubenville, Ohio, for a spritual retreat to learn how to grow according the ways God wants them.  332
Youth Day 1984     583
Youth Evangelism Power of young people - World Youth Day with Holy Father in Santiago de Compostela, Medjugorje.  537
Youth Evangelism World Youth Day in Santiago de Compostela and youth evangelization. Medjugorfe and youth spirit.  576
Youth Jubilee During Palm Sunday thousands of young people celebrated mass with Pope John Paul II.  376
Youth Ministry Roger and Julie Van Scoy lead the CCGD Youth Ministry to know Jesus.  346